15 Popular Films With Huge Flaws That People Are Just Now Noticing


Non-fiction films give us an impossible insight into some of the most dramatic moments in history. As viewers, we get to see what went down when important decisions were made that potentially shaped the way our world is today. We also get to understand what our ancestors had to struggle with, and what for.

But ask any expert about the historical accuracy of certain “based on a true story” films and you might just get laughed right out of the museum. You see, filmmakers need to tell a compelling story while sticking to the truth as much as possible. This can be a challenge seeing as how some details, though real, may seem so ludicrous or outright boring that they don’t make the final cut.

Take, for instance, these 15 critically acclaimed films with some rather noticeable flaws!

1. Braveheart

Source: cinemadslr.ru

Braveheart’s William Wallace (Mel Gibson) became an inspiration to the entire world to hate the English. It’s a great movie which has received a ton of awards. However, it was far from accurate; one of the biggest mistakes was the depiction of Scotsmen wearing kilts. In the 1300s, they wore things called leine croiches which were a piece of clothing dyed in horse piss. We’re sure they still could’ve mooned the English while sporting yellow tunics dripping with urine.

But perhaps the largest historical inaccuracy is the film’s title. William Wallace was not Braveheart. The nickname was given to him after he had his heart carried to the Church of Holy Sepulchre all the way in Jerusalem. The nickname had more to do with a literal heart than anything else.

2. Titanic


Titanic didn’t launch Leonardo DiCaprio to fame, but it did cement a place for him in Hollywood. It’s a shame that the movie, despite the mountains of historical data available about what truly happened on the Titanic during its final moments, doesn’t stick to historical facts.

In the movie, third-class passengers were locked below the decks and out of view. In truth, nobody was under the decks, and nobody was discriminated against when all hell broke loose.

While we’re on the topic of third-class passengers, there’s absolutely no way Jack Dawson (DiCaprio) could’ve made it to the top deck to mingle with the wealthy. Similar to riding a plane in today’s time, those in economy aren’t allowed to just barge into first-class. That separating curtain actually means something.


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