
The Objectively Worst Decisions In ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 8


12. Jon’s Ancestry Revelation

Source: ranker.com

Secrets are impossible to keep in Game of Thrones and Jon probably should have known better than to reveal his true parentage to his Stark siblings. Despite Dany’s begging that he tells no one about his Targaryen-Stark parentage, he was adamant on bringing together Sansa, Arya and Bran and swearing them to secrecy before he instructs Bran to tell them the truth. Since secrets don’t stay as such in Westeros and everyone’s playing the game, Sansa tells Tyrion who tells Varys. Lord Varys has been known to be one of the most cunning while playing the Game of Thrones. The master of Whisperers knows how to use a secret and as he always claimed to serve the realm, sees Jon as a much better fit for the Iron Throne than Dany and betrays her.
