Business History Tech

The Best Tips And Tricks On How To Get A New Job During Lockdown


Consider Freelancing

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Freelancing is the easiest route to go at the moment if you have skills that prove useful for companies that are less affected by the pandemic – such as online businesses. There are plenty of websites geared towards helping you when it comes to finding work that’s paid immediately upon completion.

Examples include translation jobs, article writing, or even graphic design. People with good vocabulary and foreign language skills can make a profit by offering their services to write blog posts and provide content, as the population spends a lot more time online due to the lockdown.

Look Out For Scammers

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In this day and age, social media is a tool that can be used for both good and bad. News about COVID-19 is all over the place, and it can be hard to decide what to believe and what’s untrue. Scammers were quick to jump on this opportunity to make a quick buck – from suspicious phone calls to health-insurance scams, they will do everything to rob you of your money and offer nothing in return.

It’s very important to keep your personal data protected, especially since we have to resort to using online services more. Don’t give out any sort of personal information, unless it’s a credible website, phone number or service – do your research first!

