Fun Health

Couple Ready to Welcome New Baby, but Husband Faints After Seeing the Sonogram


15. Totally Tolberts

It’s been a little over a year since Nia gave birth to her triplets, completing the seven-member Tolbert family. Their story has attracted a huge following on social media, and many have speculated that if Nia becomes pregnant for the fourth time, she’ll most definitely have quadruplets. Their story has been shared numerous times on social media, and after much demand from the public, the Tolberts started their own Facebook and Instagram pages called Totally Tolbert. Nia and Rob give a glimpse into the life of raising six beautiful children. There’s no way for the couple to know what the future has in store for them, but after having one son, twin sons, and triplet sisters, there’s no obstacle that Nia and Robert Tolbert can’t overcome.
