Home&Living Lifestyle

25 Genius Gardening Hacks You’ll Be Glad You Know


Do Lawn Edging in a Simpler Way

Image Source: pinterest.com

Lawn edging is important in creating crisp, clear lines between the beds in your garden. An effective way to do this is to lay a 2 by 6 down and hold the board. Make use of your foot in the process. While doing this, drive a spade in a constant direction along the edge of the board. After that keep moving the board in the required manner in order to come up with a straight line.

The Micro Greenhouse

Image Source: moms.com

In case you want to start seeds or even cuttings but the process is proving to be a challenge for you to try the micro greenhouse method. You can use 2-liter soda bottles to create greenhouses. Cut off the bottle around the bottom and get rid of the labels. Place each seed into its own cut bottle which will serve as a micro greenhouse. The moment your seeds have sprouted and the cuttings are well rooted, remove them.
