Fun Lifestyle

Hilarious Ways To Use Up Your Toilet Paper Stock


17. Cheering, a Little Differently


Before you start to worry what you’ll do with all that toilet paper stock you purchased a few weeks ago, we have another great idea that your husband will be happy about, too. Once the crisis is over, send him to watch a football game life, telling him your only condition: take rolls of toilet papers with him and make the football game absolutely memorable with a white toilet paper rain in the half-time.

18. Casino, Reconstituted


Staying home for many people means that they cannot make their usual monthly salary. On the other hand, being locked inside with your beloved partner can sometimes be annoying like hell. We have an idea to solve all your issues: send your husband to a casino, and supply him with a good dose of toilet paper. With this, you’ll have a few hours of me-time, and second, let’s hope that he’ll come home with some money. We wish him good luck, anyway!
