
12 Interesting Facts About Pregnancy


Pregnancy is the period between conception and birth. There are various symptoms and what to expect when a woman is pregnant. Some changes may appear, both physically and emotionally. A normal pregnancy lasts for forty weeks. In some cases, women deliver premature babies due to various reasons. This article will help you know some facts about pregnancy, some funny but true, they are confirmed through thorough research and studies. All women should be aware of the symptoms; this will help them know what diet to take and avoid this is to help the baby develop well. Whenever you have the symptoms it is advised to test yourself just to be certain. If you’re both struggling to get in the mood, you might want to try a visit to a site like https://www.tubev.sex/?hl=zh to see if you can get things to steam up a little.

1. At Least Three in a Group of Ten Teen Girls Get Pregnant in The U.S.

At least Three in a Group of Ten Teen Girls Get Pregnant in The U.S.

courtesy of: www.phoenixnewtimes.com

Through intensive research, it is evident that at least three in a group of ten teen girls are involved in early pregnancy. This may not be intentional or planned. There are several reasons e.g it maybe under the influence of peer pressure, poor decision making and in some cases drugs. Early pregnancy affects teenagers’ studies making them drop out of school. Some teenagers may get pregnant twice or more before they are adults. The good news is that the cases have decreased comparing the past years.

2. 375 Days (12.5 Months) is The Longest Pregnancy Ever Been Recorded in Humans.

375 Days (12.5 Months) is The Longest Pregnancy Ever Been Recorded in Humans.

courtesy of: incolors.club

375 days (12.5 months) is the longest pregnancy ever been recorded in humans. Pregnancy averagely lasts for forty weeks or rather two hundred and eighty days before delivery. This was a rare but an amazing story. We are all aware that one can deliver before the forty weeks are over but in this case the baby broke Mother Nature’s laws. This incident happened in Los Angeles, the baby was delivered three months past the normal or rather expected period. Doctors were also surprised since the baby was completely healthy yet they had never heard of such situation.

3. During Pregnancy, The Baby Can Heal The Mother in Case of Organ Damage.

During Pregnancy, The Baby Can Heal The Mother in Case of Organ Damage.

courtesy of: www.steadyhealth.com

The unborn baby can also take care of its mother by healing damaged organs, isn’t this amazing? During pregnancy, the mother passes almost all the nutrients to the fetus. Through a number of studies it is evident that the baby sends stem cells from its body to the mother’s to heal any organ damage. It is a wondrous thing but it happens.

4. 100000 or More Babies Are Born Cocaine Addicts Each Year in The U.S.

100000 or More Babies Are Born Cocaine Addicts Each Year in The U.S.

courtesy of: www.oohsncoos.com

It is so confirmed that,100000 or more babies are born cocaine addicts each year in the U.S. This is because their mothers tend to abuse drugs during their pregnancy. Unborn babies highly depend on their mothers for everything including food, nutrients and whatever is absorbed to the mothers’ body also passes through the babies’ systems. So any woman using cocaine exposes her baby to the risk of becoming an addict thus affecting their growth and development. In many cases the babies are born premature with a slightly low weight compared to normal babies. They may have breathing problems, feeding problems and other irritations. This may be a result of limited nutrients passed to the fetus because cocaine tends to make their mothers lack appetite thus not delivering enough food for the babies.
