
12 Facts You May Not Know about the Human Brain


5. It’s Good for the Brain to Forget

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courtesy of: twitter.com

It’s actually good for the brain to forget information. Deleting unnecessary information helps the nervous system retain plasticity. Plasticity refers to the brain’s ability to adapt and change by creating new pathways to organize information and make new connections. It’s good for our daily lives to forget old information and form new connections when learning new information. For example, when you receive a new pin number for a bank card, you memorize the new number and gradually forget the old one. If you remembered the old number in the same way you remembered the new one life could get really confusing.

6. A Brain Virus Can Decrease Intelligence


courtesy of: www.cision.com

Scientists have discovered a virus that attacks human DNA and can actually make people less intelligent. It can impair brain activity, learning, and the memory process. Research done at John Hopkins School of Medicine has found traces of an algal virus in healthy individuals that can lead to mental impairment. This virus was detected by doing a throat swab. The study showed that those infected with this particular virus performed about 10 percent worse on tests that analyzed visual processing speeds. The virus was also associated with lower attention spans.

7. The Brain, Heroin, and Sex


courtesy of: news.yahoo.com

According to research, the section of the brain behind a person’s left eye shuts down during orgasm. The brain then releases so much dopamine during an orgasm that a brain scan resembles that of someone on heroin. Some scientists claim that the dopamine released when an orgasm occurs has the equal effect of one shot of heroin. Of course dopamine is released in response to a variety of pleasurable activities. It is the hormone that is involved in addiction. Dopamine is the drugs, sex, and rock and roll chemical in the brain. It’s interesting that the research conducted in this area noted that while women may be able to fake orgasm and fool their partner, they can’t fool a brain scan.

8. The Brain is the Fattest Organ in the Human Body

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courtesy of: twitter.com

Calling someone a fathead isn’t a very nice thing to say, but it is actually true. Your brain consists of about 60 percent fat. The essential fatty acids that are necessary for your brain and body to function properly are not manufactured by your body. They must come from a healthy variety of food you eat. It’s important to understand that the healthy fats in your brain create all the cell membranes throughout your entire body. If your diet is full of bad fats or even too little fat, your brain will not be able to produce high quality cell membranes.
